101 學 測 英文 詳解



1-5:   CABDB

6-10:  BDCBA

11-15: CCDBA

16-20: DDACB

21-25: BCCDA

26-30: DBCAB

31-35: ICJFH

36-40: DBEAG

41-45: DACAC

46-50: DBACB

51-56: DAAADD


1. 近年來,許多台灣製作的影片已經受到國際的重視

    In recent years, many movies (which/that) Taiwan     

    produced have gained international recognition.

2. 拍攝這些電影的地點也成為熱門的觀光景點。

    The places where these movies were filmed have also 

    been/become popular/hot tourist attractions/spots.


書信題: 普雷老師鐵口直斷,完全命中!!!



第壹部分: 單選題( 占7 2 分)

一、詞彙( 占1 5 分)


1. The ending of the movie did not come as a _____ to John because he had already read the novel that the movie was based on.

(A) vision (B) focus (C) surprise (D) conclusion

(A) He is a man of great vision.

(B) Keep your focus, or you might find yourself in serious trouble.

(D) The debate did not come to a conclusion.

2. In order to stay healthy and fit, John exercises _____. He works out twice a week in a gym.

(A) regularly (B) directly (C) hardly (D) gradually

(B) She drove directly to school.

(C) My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand.

(D) We began to know each other gradually.

3. Traveling is a good way for us to _____ different cultures and broaden our horizons.

(A) assume (B)explore (C) occupy (D) inspire

(A) I assumed that he had been fired due to poor performance.

(C) Reading occupies most of my free time.

(D) His speech inspired us to try again.

4. The story about Hou-I shooting down nine suns is a well-known Chinese _____, but it may not be a true historical event.

(A) figure (B) rumor (C) miracle (D) legend

(A) Several leading figures resigned from the party.

(B) Rumor has it that the defense minister will soon resign. 聽說, 國防部長不久就要辭職。

(C) It’s a miracle that he is still alive.

5. According to recent research, children under the age of 12 are generally not _____ enough to recognize risk and deal with dangerous situations.

(A) diligent (B)mature (C) familiar (D) sincere

(A) Diligent work will help us surmount challenges.

(C) Are you familiar with computer programming?

(D) Although he looks sincere, appearances can be deciving.

6. Helen let out a sigh of ______ after hearing that her brother was not injured in the accident.

(A) hesitation (B)relief (C) sorrow (D) triumph

(A) He agreed without any hesitation.

(C) He expressed his sorrow at my father's death.

(D) Winning the championship is a great personal triumph for me.

7. Research suggests that people with outgoing personalities tend to be more _____, often expecting that good things will happen.

(A) efficient (B) practical (C) changeable (D) optimistic

(A) It is not efficient to hire poorly trained workers.

(B) Skirts aren't very practical in your kind of work.

(C) The weather is highly changeable.

8. No one could beat Paul at running. He has won the running championship _____ for three years.

(A) rapidly (B) urgently (C)continuously (D) temporarily


It has been raining consecutively for two days. 連續兩天下雨(雨有可能是斷斷續續的)

He has been working continuously for 12 hours. 續工作了十二小時(中間沒休息)

所以如果的第一句是It has been raining continuously for two days.就是連下了四十八小時兩天的雨,中間沒有停頓。這樣了解了嗎?

(A) The disease was spreading more rapidly than expected.

(B) He was in urgent need of medical attention.

(D) Due to a small fire, the office will be closed temporarily.

9. If you fly from Taipei to Tokyo, you’ll be taking an international, rather than a _____ flight.

(A) liberal (B) domestic (C) connected (D) universal

(A) a more liberal policy on issues of crime and punishment

(C) The computer is connected to the internet.

(D) These stories have universal appeal.大家都喜歡。

10. Jack is very proud of his fancy new motorcycle. He has been _____ to all his friends about how cool it looks and how fast it runs.

(A)boasting (B) proposing (C) gossiping (D) confessing

(B) He proposed a possible solution to me.

(C) The whole town was gossiping about them.

(D) I must confess I don't visit my parents as often as I should.

11. The ideas about family have changed _____ in the past twenty years. For example, my grandfather was one of ten children in his family, but I am the only child.

(A) mutually (B) narrowly (C)considerably (D) scarcely

(A) We eventually arrived at a figure that was mutually acceptable.

(B) He was narrowly defeated in the election.

(D) The city had scarcely changed in 20 years. 幾乎沒變

12. The chairperson of the meeting asked everyone to speak up instead of _____ their opinions among themselves.

(A) reciting (B) giggling (C)murmuring (D) whistling

(A) The waiter recited the breakfast menu - cereal, bacon and eggs, and toast.

(B) I can hear all my students laughing and giggling.

(D) I heard this song on the radio and I've been whistling it all day.

13. Although Mr. Chen is rich, he is a very _____ person and is never willing to spend any money to help those who are in need.

(A) absolute (B) precise (C) economic (D)stingy

(A) I have absolute confidence in her. 絕對的信心

(B) It is difficult to get precise information.

(C) Economic growth is slow.

14. If you want to know what your dreams mean, now there are websites you can visit to help you _____ them.

(A) overcome (B)interpret (C) transfer (D) revise

(A) He struggled to overcome his shyness.

(C) You'll be transferred to the Taipei office.

(D) Forecasts of economic growth are being revised downwards.

15. The memory _____ of the new computer has been increased so that more information can be stored.

(A)capacity (B) occupation (C) attachment (D) machinery

(B) the German occupation of France

(C) I'll send the file as an attachment.

(D) You must not drive or operate machinery for the rest of the day.

二、綜合測驗( 占1 5 分)


Kizhi is an island on Lake Onega in Karelia, Russia, with a beautiful collection of wooden churches and houses. It is one of the most popular tourist  16  in Russia and a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site.

The island is about 7 km long and 0.5 km wide. It is surrounded by about 5,000 other islands, some of  17  are just rocks sticking out of the ground.

The entire island of Kizhi is,  18  , an outdoor museum of wooden architecture created in 1966. It contains many historically significant and beautiful wooden structures,  19  windmills, boathouses, chapels, fish houses, and homes. The jewel of the architecture is the 22-domed Transfiguration Church, built in the early 1700s. It is about 37 m tall,  20  it one of the tallest log structures in the world. The church was built with pine trees brought from the mainland, which was quite common for the 18th century.

16. (A) affairs (B) fashions (C) industries (D) attractions

多唸幾次tourist attractions

17. (A) them (B) that (C) those (D) which

這裡的關係代名詞,只能用some of which

18. (A) in fact (B) once again (C) as usual (D) for instance


19. (A) except (B) besides (C) including (D) regarding


20. (A) make (B) making (C) made (D) to make


There was once a time when all human beings were gods. However, they often took their divinity for granted and  21  abused it. Seeing this, Brahma, the chief god, decided to take their divinity away from them and hide it  22  it could never be found.

Brahma called a council of the gods to help him decide on a place to hide the divinity. The gods suggested that they hide it  23  in the earth or take it to the top of the highest mountain. But Brahma thought  24  would do because he believed humans would dig into the earth and climb every mountain, and eventually find it. So, the gods gave up.

Brahma thought for a long time and finally decided to hide their divinity in the center of their own being, for humans would never think to  25  it there. Since that time humans have been going up and down the earth, digging, climbing, and exploring—searching for something already within themselves.

21. (A) yet (B) even (C) never (D) rather


22. (A) though (B) because (C) where (D) when


23. (A) close (B) apart (C) deep (D) hard


24. (A) each (B) more (C) any (D) neither


25. (A) look for (B) get over (C) do without (D) bump into

找當然是look for

In the fall of 1973, in an effort to bring attention to the conflict between Egypt and Israel, World Hello Day was born. The objective is to promote peace all over the world, and to  26  barriers between every nationality. Since then, World Hello Day—November 21st of every year—  27  observed by people in 180 countries.

Taking part couldn’t be  28  . All one has to do is say hello to 10 people on the day. However, in response to the  29  of this event, the concepts of fostering peace and harmony do not have to be confined to one day a year. We can  30  the spirit going by communicating often and consciously. It is a simple act that anyone can do and it reminds us that communication is more effective than conflict.

26. (A) skip over (B) come across (C) look into (D) break down

既然是promote peace,當然選break down barriers

27. (A) is (B) has been (C) was (D) had been

Since then,當然是has been

28. (A) quicker (B) sooner (C) easier (D) better


29. (A) aim (B) tone (C) key (D) peak


30. (A) push (B) keep (C) bring (D) make

keep it going

三、文意選填( 占1 0 分)

說明:第31題至第40題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) (J) 選項中分別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對得1分;未作答、答錯、或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。

Generally there are two ways to name typhoons: the number-based convention and the list-based convention. Following the number-based convention, typhoons are coded with  31 (I) types of numbers such as a 4-digit or a 6-digit code. 這裡基本上選形容詞,舉例來說different最適合的就是(I) variousFor example, the 14th typhoon in 2003 can be labeled either as Typhoon 0314 or Typhoon 200314. The  32(C) of this convention, however, is that a number is hard to remember. 既然是hard to remember,答案當然不會好 ,選(C) disadvantageThe list-based convention, on the other hand, is based on the list of typhoon names compiled in advance by a committee, and is more widely used.

At the very beginning, only  33(J) names were used because at that time typhoons were named after girlfriends or wives of the experts on the committee. 既然是girlfriends or wives,答案就是(J) femaleIn 1979, however, male names were also included because women protested against the original naming  34(F) for reasons of gender equality.名詞,只有(F) practice最適合。

In Asia, Western names were used until 2000 when the committee decided to use Asian names to  35(H) Asians’ awareness of typhoons. 動詞(H) raise最好The names were chosen from a name pool  36(D)  of 140 names, 10 each from the 14 members of the committee.這裡文法上來講是(which was) (D) composed of有就是說整個pool是由140個名字所組成的。 Each country has its unique naming preferences.

Korea and Japan  37(B) animal names and China likes names of gods such as Longwang (dragon king) and Fengshen (god of the wind).這個答案基本上跟like and在一起,所以(B) favor最好。

After the 140 names are all used in order, they will be  38(E) . 全部用過後,再輪一次,所以(E) recycled But the names can be changed. If a member country suffers great damage from a certain typhoon, it can  39(A) that the name of the typhoon be deleted from the list at the annual committee meeting. can後面,基本上選動詞 (A) request最合適。For example, the names of Nabi by South Korea, and Longwang by China were  40(G) with other names in 2007. 既然舊的要被deleted,當然就被(G) replacedThe deletion of both names was due to the severe damage caused by the typhoons bearing the names.

(A) request (B) favor (C) disadvantage (D) composed (E) recycled

(F) practice (G) replaced (H) raise (I) various (J) female


