
I want to send you ninety-nine roses

I want to sing you the words in my heart

I love you. I do, you don’t have to be afraid

The real infatuated man is here, it is me

Baby, why do you wear like this hot?

Seeing you the whole winter won’t that chill anymore

I am a real innocent boy

Please don’t seduce me intentionally anymore

In the hot sun the traffic jams till the downstairs of your apartment

Being your driver, driving you everywhere

Want to eat at a western restaurant or a roadside stall

As long as you are happy, I’ll foot the bill

Although there are many divas outside there

But the only goddess in my heart is you

I don’t dare to dream to get your body

As long as your heart blesses me, it would be ok

My love for you is real

Even my neighbours were asking about it

Not afraid of the laughter of my good friends at my foolishness

It's all because I love you so much. I’m helpless

*I want to send you ninety-nine roses

I want to sing you the words in my heart

I love you. I do, you don’t have to be afraid

The real infatuated man is here

*I want to send you ninety-nine roses

I want to be your husband forever

I want to send a wedding invitation to your grandma's house

The real infatuated man is here, it is me

My condition is not worse than yours

There are also many girls who love me very much

Every day they queue at downstairs with three meals a day

In their hearts I’m their Andy Lau

I’m afraid to be drunk, as they would pick me up like a corpse

So, I never drink more than one glass

I always walk with two bodyguards to give them no chance

My girls who love me are really shy

Although I’ve many fake girlfriends

But I only think of you

Given that they will get my body

But my soul is always yours

I love you, I’m not just talking about it

I don’t only love you, I also love your mother

As long as you need me, just call me

Later you can shout at me in the first place


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我要送你九十九朵玫瑰花 我要唱心內的話乎你聽
I’m going to give you ninety-nine roses. I’m going to tell you the words in the depth of my heart by singing.
我愛你我願意你不用怕 真正的癡情男子漢置這 就是我
I love you and I will. Don’t be afraid. The real infatuated man is here. It’s me.
北鼻你怎ㄟ穿尬這尼辣 看到你整冬天攏抹畏寒
Baby why you dress so hot. The winter is not cold any more because of seeing you.
我是正港純情的查埔孩 拜託你麥擱調剛給我引
I’m a truly pure boy. Please do not seduce me intentionally.
日頭刺炎炎 塞車塞你家樓下 做你的司機帶你四處行
The sun is shining. Drive to your house and be your driver, taking you to everywhere.
要吃西餐廳還是路邊攤仔 只要你歡喜帳攏我來繳
As long as you are happy, I will pay the bill no matter it is a restaurant or a street vendor.
雖然外靠的女神有這尼多 但心內媽祖只有你一個
Although there are so many nymphs, you are the only “Mazu” in my mind.
不敢來肖想得到你的肉體 只要你的心保庇我就ok
I do not dare to think of getting your body. I’m satisfied only if you care about me.
我對你的愛是真正有影 就連厝邊隔壁攏來探聽
My love to you is real. Neighbors also come to know more.
I’m not afraid of being laughed likes an idiot by friends.
誰叫我愛你 沒有辦法
I have no choice but to because I love you.

我要送你九十九朵玫瑰花 我要唱心內的話乎你聽
I’m going to give you ninety-nine roses. I’m going to tell you the words in the depth of my heart by singing.
我愛你我願意你不用怕 真正的癡情男子漢置這
I love you and I will. Don’t be afraid. The real infatuated man is here.
我要送你九十九朵玫瑰花 我要做你永遠的阿娜達
I’m going to give you ninety-nine roses. I will be your lover forever.
我要寄張喜帖到你阿嬤家 真正的癡情男子漢置這 就是我
I will send a wedding invitation to your grandmother’s house. The real infatuated man is here. It’s me.

When it comes to being a mate, I am not worse than you.
There are also plenty of girls loving me a lot.
每天照三餐排置阮家樓下 我是怹心目中的劉德華
They line up downstairs outside my house at meal time every day. I’m their Andy Lau.
我怕酒醉來乎怹撿屍體 所以我從來不曾喝兩杯
In order not to be drunk raped by the girls, I never drink.
保鑣帶兩個讓怹沒機會 愛我的姑娘實在真歹勢
Take two bodyguards to prevent them from touching me. Sorry, my fans.
假意我的七仔雖然有這尼多 但是我卡想只有你一個
A good number of ladies love me, but you are the only one I care.
就算說來乎怹得到我的肉體 但我靈魂永遠是你的
Even if they get my body, my soul will always be yours.
我愛你不是青菜說說而已 我不只愛你 我也愛你娘
I’m not kidding when I say I love you. I not only love you but also love your mom.
只要你有需要 電話打乎我 以後你就會大聲來叫我 第一名
As long as you need it, you can call me. You will call me No.1 loudly.

我要送你九十九朵玫瑰花 我要唱心內的話乎你聽
I’m going to give you ninety-nine roses. I’m going to tell you the words in the depth of my heart by singing.
我愛你我願意你不用怕 真正的癡情男子漢置這 
I love you and I will. Don’t be afraid. The real infatuated man is here.
我要送你九十九朵玫瑰花 我要做你永遠的阿娜達

I’m going to give you ninety-nine roses. I will be your lover forever.
我要寄張喜帖到你阿嬤家 真正的癡情男子漢置這 就是我
I will send a wedding invitation to your grandmother’s house. The real infatuated man is here. It’s me.
我要送你九十九朵玫瑰花 我要唱心內的話乎你聽

I’m going to give you ninety-nine roses. I’m going to tell you the words in the depth of my heart by singing.
我愛你我願意你不用怕 真正的癡情男子漢置這 
I love you and I will. Don’t be afraid. The real infatuated man is here.
我要送你九十九朵玫瑰花 我要做你永遠的阿娜達

I’m going to give you ninety-nine roses. I will be your lover forever.
我要寄張喜帖到你阿嬤家 真正的癡情男子漢置這 就是我
I will send a wedding invitation to your grandmother’s house. The real infatuated man is here. It’s me.


1. Mazu:
Mazu is a goddess in Taiwan. When people go sailing, they do a ceremony to ask Mazu to bless them. But now, Mazu is more functional. People in Taiwan ask Mazu to bless everything.

2. Andy Lau:
He is a handsome superstar in Hongkong. People who speak Chinese all know him. He released several albums as an idol group. He is a good actor, too. He acts in many movies.

3. About the song:
This song is sung by a group called “Under Lover.” It is a good example for guys who are eager to become a singer. This group had sung on the Internet first. Then they kept working hard, creating unique songs one after another. Now, they are really famous singer especially for young guys. I would like to call this song a Taiwanese-style song. No matter young or not, most people who are Taiwanese-style love this song so much. This kind of melody, lyrics, and the pronunciation attract people who like Taiwanese pop culture.
這首歌是由一個名叫”Under Lover” 的團體演唱。對於那些渴望變成一個歌手的人來說,他們是一個很好的範例。這團體起初在網路唱歌。他們持續地努力,創作出一首又一首獨特的曲子。現在,他們是非常有名氣的團體,在年輕人族群中又更是有名。我會想要把這首歌稱作是台式歌曲。不管年輕與否,在台灣的台客大多數都很愛這種歌。這種旋律,歌詞,跟發音吸引了許多喜愛台式流行音樂文化的人。

Reference: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKe0k2pF9pc


