不可 或 缺 的 英文


  • indispensible


  • absolutely necessary



不可或缺的indispensable ; Integral ; fundamental ; inevitable indispensable to

不可或缺的國家indispensable nation

不可或缺的朋友Vital Friends

不可或缺的元素Un elemento imprescindibile ; indispensable element


不可或缺性論證Indispensability Argument


清晰的規劃不可或缺Clean Planning Is Indispensable

一個不可或缺An indispensable


  • 我們需要原始的世界,因為它對我們的快樂,健康和幸福不可或缺

    we need the wild world. it is essential to our well-being our health our happiness.

  • 此項新戰略的一個不可或缺的部分是努力達成一項雄心勃勃的、平衡的多哈協議——不是一項普通的協議,而是一項能夠在世界各地開放市場和增加出口的協議。

    an integral part of this new strategy is working towards an ambitious and balanced doha agreement —not any agreement, but an agreement that will open up markets and increase exports around the world.

  • 系列性是這兩位藝術家作品與市場不可或缺的一部分。

    seriality is integral to the work and market of both artists.

  • 這五年中的經濟發展是一個不可或缺的原因。

    development in economy is an essential one in the five years.

  • 這的確是一個不可或缺的工具,尤其是你不擅長作預算或者不是議會成員。

    this really is an indispensable tool, especially if you’re a on a budget or not a member of parliament.

  • 智能計算機將成為醫生不可或缺的診斷工具。

    an intelligent computer will be an indispensable diagnostic tool for doctors.

  • 公共交通對許多農村居民來說是不可或缺的.

    public transport is a lifeline for many rural communities.

  • 被告知自己的品味和才能如此不可或缺,他心里非常高興。

    it was flattering to be told how indispensable his taste and talent were.

  • 正如同美對於國家不可或缺那樣。

    just as beauty was indispensable to the country.

  • 想要跟上這股信息急流可不太容易,但是如果你很在意你的公司在網上的信譽或者想要知道關於伊朗的最新新聞,它是不可或缺選擇。

    it’s a torrent of information to keep track of, but if you are worried about your company’s online reputation or want the latest news on iran, it’s indispensable.

  • 宗教是她不可或缺的精神支柱.

    religion is the breath of life to / for her.

  • 我們無法容忍他們現在的做法,但我們也不能缺少他們,因為評級機構評估證券風險的職能不可或缺

    we cannot live with their current practices, but nor can we live without them; their function – assessing the risk of securities – is indispensable.

  • 骨折內固定材料是骨修復中不可或缺的重要材料.

    internal fracture fixation material is now an indispensable material in bone repair.

  • 當不知道下一步要做什么的時候,你應該關注哪些工作是不可或缺的,因為你無論如何要把這個工作做好。

    when you don’t know what to do next, focus on the indispensable, since you’ll need to get good at that part anyway.

  • 這個天性本身就是正確的和不可或缺的。

    the instinct is, in itself, right and indispensable.

  • 有評論家說,現在谷歌公司是網絡市場的基礎設施之一,如同網絡本身一樣不可或缺

    the firm is now as essential a component of the market’s infrastructure as the physical network itself, critics say.

  • 增塑劑在為人類提供高品質塑料制品中的作用不可或缺.

    plasticizer for humanity at providing high - quality plastic products plays an indispensable role.

  • 爵士樂對於我來說是不可或缺的。

    jazz is mother「s milk to me.

  • 這不是在貶低形容詞和副詞,它們都是不可或缺的。

    this is not to disparage adjectives and adverbs; they are indispensable parts of speech.

  • 他談到要建立一座「數字摩天樓」,其服務是如此不可或缺,以至於會有那么一天,我們將懷疑沒有它到底還能做什么。

    he talks of building a 「digital skyscraper,」 a company whose services are so indispensable that someday we will look back and wonder how we managed to do without it.

  • 除了網格本身,用於分配任務和收集結果的一個中央服務器或服務器集群也是網格計算架構的一個不可或缺的組件。

    besides the grid itself, a central server or server cluster for distributing the task and collecting the results is a necessary component of grid computing architecture.

  • 全世界都知道樹木對我們是不可或缺的.

    it is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.

  • 就像肺是動物所不可缺的一樣, 葉子也是植物所不可或缺的.

    what lungs are to the animal, leaves are to the plant.

  • 建模和分析可成為軟件設計和再工程過程的不可或缺的部分。

    modeling and analysis could become indispensable parts of your process for software design and reengineering.

  • 要理解那些破壞南非抗擊艾滋戰斗的各種有形和無形的障礙,他這本書是不可或缺的。

    his book is essential to understanding the visible and invisible barriers that undermine the fight against aids in south africa.

  • 雖然雷射似乎不可或缺, 但也有其不利之處.

    indispensable as lasers seem to be, they have their drawbacks.

  • 接收焦點的組件對應用程序功能(而非其設計或布局)是不可或缺的。

    components that receive focus are essential to the application」s function, not its design or layout.

1. ���i�ίʪ��B2. �������B3. �ݭn
�p�G�n�� "���i�ί�" indispensable �y�@�ӭ^��y�l�A�ڳ��w in need of�A�]���w insufficient�Black for�Black of�C

�� need n. �ݭn�B���n�B���n����
We have no need to be afraid of them.
These are our daily needs
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

�� in need of ~�i���j �ݭn
This house is in need of repair.

�� lack vt. vi. �ʤ֡B�S���B����
I don't seem to lack anything.
They lacked for nothing.

�� lack n. �ʤ֡B�S���B����
He can not buy it because of his lack of money.
Water is a lack of this region.

�� indispensable adj. �����i�֪��B���ݪ�
A library is indispensable to a college.
Taking care of my parents is my indispensable duty.

�� necessary adj. ���n���B���ݪ�
Oxygen is necessary for life.
It is necessary that he be sent there at once.

�� require vt. �ݭn required adj. ������
This is a required subject.

�� sufficient adj. �������B�R����
Her income is not sufficient to support her family.

�� insufficient adj. ���������B���R����
The food was insufficient for our needs.






