媽祖 英文

來來來,我們要與時俱進,跟著小 V 好好了解這些爆紅的時事關鍵字!

  • 作秀
  • 得到神啟 / 媽祖托夢
  • 發大財
  • 跳針 / 鬼打牆
  • 接地氣


即 publicity stunt。


People say that the tragic story of the mayor is simply a publicity stunt to gain sympathy. I have no comment on that.

得到神啟 / 媽祖托夢

「得到神啟」即 receive divine revelation / inspiration。
「媽祖託夢」即 Mazu came to me in a dream。

divine 表「神聖的、天賜的」之意,而 revelation 指「天啟、神示」、inspiration 是「靈感」。這樣句型分解下來,是不是很好記呢?

A: Mom, I want a new laptop.
A: 媽!我要買新的筆電。
B: Why? Is your old one broken?
B: 為何?舊的壞了嗎?
A: No, Mazu came to me in my dream last night, and I received divine revelation / inspiration of Mazu. She suggested buying a new laptop. If I use a new one, I will study harder and go to a good college. Then I’ll end up with a bright future.
A: 非也,媽祖娘娘昨夜托夢,吾得神啟,若使用新筆電,吾將發憤讀書,考取好大學,最後前程必定似錦。
B: …please don’t make me regret having children.
B: ……請別讓我後悔生小孩。


Wish sb. prosperity! / May sb. be prosperous!

現任高雄市長韓國瑜接受質詢時,說了數次「高雄發大財」,故最近「發大財」三字不斷佔據各大網站平台。形容詞 prosperous 是「繁榮、富足」之意,名詞為 prosperity、動詞為 prosper。以上兩種說法也都適用於過年祝賀別人「恭喜發財」。

A: Happy Chinese New Year! May you be prosperous!
A: 新年快樂!恭喜發財!
B: Wish you prosperity, too! Don’t forget my red envelope!
B: 也祝你恭喜發財,別忘了紅包拿來喔!

跳針 / 鬼打牆

即 repeat oneself。


A: Do you know where my boyfriend is?
A: 你知道我男友在哪嗎?
B: He’s out with his best buddies.
B: 他和兄弟們出去玩了。
A: So, where is he now?
A: 所以他現在在哪?
B: He’s with his best friends.
B: 他和好朋友在一起。
A: You’re repeating yourself, tell me WHERE HE IS NOW!
A: 你在鬼打牆了,告訴我他到底在哪?
B: He told me not to say anything…oops!
B: 他叫我啥都別說……糟了!

英文口說:講出清晰架構 (IELTS Speaking Part 3 Trick: Outstanding Organization)


即 down-to-earth。


The super star is famous for her outstanding acting skills. What’s more, she is very accessible and down-to-earth.

補充:英文裡說的 grassroots 指「草根」,也就是「平民老百姓」。

抓住模仿精髓!Ryan Higa教你一秒變好萊塢影星 (How To Act Like Your Favorite Actors)

每天都有新詞彙或用語產生,而我們學語言可以和生活結合,會更有趣味!歡迎大家留言告訴小 V 你們想知道的時事關鍵字!


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文/ Liang-Chun Chen
圖/ Pexels, CC licensed
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The Mazu Pilgrimage—A Birthday Fit for a Goddess

難度 收藏文章

迪士尼有小美人魚,我們有「海上女神」—馬祖>> 【英文感謝用語大全】從「表達感謝」到「回覆感謝」一次學會!


Chris, Antony

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01:05 副標講解
02:35 第一段
07:14 第二段
12:17 第三段
19:31 單字複習

This Taiwanese tradition has stood the test of time. 這項臺灣的傳統歷久不衰。

Taiwan has many religious festivals. Some are short and simple. Others may involve a little food and music. Then there’s the Mazu Pilgrimage, which lasts over a week, covers hundreds of kilometers, and draws thousands of pilgrims.

source: WEI LING CHANG / Shutterstock.com

The Mazu Pilgrimage is like an enormous birthday celebration for Mazu, who is known as the “Goddess of the Sea.” Featured in countless myths and legends, Mazu is believed to be a girl from a small fishing village in Fujian. Legend has it that she used her spiritual powers to rescue her family members when their boat was caught in a typhoon. No wonder she is viewed as the guardian of fishermen!

source: Jutinan Jujinda / Shutterstock.com

So why is there a long pilgrimage on land in her honor? Several hundred years ago, a family of settlers moved from Fujian to what is now the city of Taichung. They brought a statue of Mazu with them and later a temple was built around it. Every 12 years, worshippers would take the statue back to its original home in Fujian. However, when Taiwan was under Japanese rule, travel across the Taiwan Strait was blocked. As an alternative, the worshippers picked a river port temple within Taiwan as a destination. The pilgrimage has grown in popularity over the years and today is an important aspect of Taiwanese folk religion.

媽祖遶境活動更是將這樣的信仰昇華,進而成為了一種全民活動。關於大甲鎮瀾宮媽祖遶境進香活動的起源,有一說是清朝福建湄洲嶼林姓一家人來臺拓墾,定居於大甲堡,並將隨行的湄洲朝天閣天上聖母香火安奉在自家廳堂,接著當地士紳將香火遷移至現址建祠,且每十二年前往福建湄州的朝天閣進香。日治時期因海線交通阻隔,大甲媽祖才轉向北港朝天宮「割火進香」,爾後又於民國七十七年改為遶境至新港。如今,媽祖遶境不僅被 Discovery Channel 認為是世界三大宗教盛事之一,聯合國教科文組織也將其列入人類非物質文化遺產(Intangible Cultural Heritage)的代表名錄中。媽祖遶境從以前就吸引不只臺灣還有海外的群眾參與,此活動除了顯現信眾對於信仰的熱情,參與的過程也帶來了心靈上的震撼感受。


➸ 鹽水蜂炮 ── 越炸越旺、好運一直來 Yanshui Fengpao Fireworks Festival
➸ 臺灣最強平民美食 ── 滷肉飯 Lu Rou Fan: The Cheapest Ticket to Taste Bud Heaven
➸ Xpark 水族館在桃園 Xpark Aquarium

>> 臺灣登山熱:全民一起瘋登山 The Mountains Are Calling (上)




Words in Use

n. . 海峽;(常指因缺錢而有的)困境(此意恆用複數)

Practical Phrases

No wonder the remote doesn’t work. The batteries are dead.

Legend has it that...


Legend has it that in the mountains lived seven dwarfs.
傳說山裡頭住著 7 個小矮人。

stand the test of time


With many people still watching its reruns, the show Friends has stood the test of time.






