中国 文化 大学 外籍 生

Application Fee: None


Questions about Application

Admissions Section: Ms. Huang Tzu-Hui (Lisa)

TEL: +886-2-28610511 ext.11306


Spring Semester 2023 (February Enrollment)


Application Dates 申請日期:

October 15, 2022 – December 5, 2022

2022年10月15日 - 2022年12月5日

Admission results will be posted on CCU website 錄取公告:

December 30, 2022


Deadline for submitting the “Intent to Enroll” 就讀意願回覆日期:

January 10, 2023


Acceptance Letter mailed to applicants 寄發錄取通知:

from January 10, 2023


Registration Dates 錄取生註冊入學:


February 13, 2023

Click on the links 相關連結:

MOFA Taiwan Scholarships and Fellowship


Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program


Mandarin Learning Center of the CCU


For those who need a student visa

※Please Note:

  1. The school won't issue an admission letter for students registering for a short course (less than one term).
  2. When registering on-line please take this file and convert it to PDF format.
  3. If your documents are in another language besides English or Chinese, please first translate them.  A translation company's documents will suffice.

A. New Students

1. Enrollment application form

2. One copy of your passport photo page

3. Two passport photos (2 inches by 2 inches)

4. One copy of the following: a high school or college grade transcript, proof of study or diploma

5. A origional copy of a financial statement from within the last three months proving savings of 2,000 USD or higher

6. Vietnamese students must have a language proficiency certificate in either English or Chinese

B. Transfer Students

  1. Enrollment application form
  2. One copy of your previous language school's transcript
  3. One copy of your passport photo page
  4. Two passport photos (2 inches by 2 inches).

※ As a reminder for those who are applying for a visa, make sure to obtain a copy of your enrollment certificate before you enter Taiwan. Once you have your enrollment certificate, go to a Taiwanese Visa office in your home country (Check MOFA). Students who have arranged a student visa can enter the country.  

2. If not, have you handed in all of your documents?  Click here to check (log in first)

3.  Inquire to see whether I've been sent an enrollment certificate or not. (log in first)

4. After obtaining your enrollment certificate, please contact your nearest Taiwanese Visa Office to find out what you still need to obtain and prepare and how much a visa costs. (Check MOFA)

5. After obtaining a visa you should purchase a plane ticket to Taiwan. Upon arrival you can come to our office in person and register.

6. MOFA have the right to refuse issue visa.

中国 文化 大学 外籍 生

中國文化大學設有 12 個學院,包括文學、外語、理學、法學、社會科學、農學、工學、商學、新聞傳播、藝術、環境設計及教育等學術領域,是一所學系多元、完備的綜合性大學。本校依時代發展和社會需求,適時調整科系發展方向,並提供多元系所跨領域的學習,達到適才適性的教育目標,在中華文化、多元藝文活動的陶冶下,及國際化的學習環境中,實現跨領域、跨產業、跨國界、跨校園的跨界育才目標,培養學生成為最靈活的未來人才。跨域學習、著眼未來面對全球化、資訊數位化時代,以往學系培育單一專業領域人才已不敷社會所需,為與產業發展與社會趨勢相銜接,本校以學科領域多元的優勢,配合國家產業發展推動跨領域學習,設置 ⌈跨域專 長⌋ 以培育多元領域能力之人才,培養第二專長,提升競爭力。

本校設立各項獎助學金,讓學生安心就學。除各項學期獎學金、校 友獎學金、產學合作獎學金,外語能力優秀獎學金、優秀運動員獎助學金、僑外生獎學金等共 15 類。另各學院亦設有產學合作及各類型學生補助就學方案,讓學生安心學習。

本校重視文化傳承,近年更積極推動創新、邁向國際,迄今已與全 球 398 所大學院校締結姐妹校,並設立跨國雙聯學位留學制度,每年赴海外交流與在文大求學的境外交換學生均逾兩千人,成功營造優質國際化的學習環境。展望未來,本校以著重研究與創新的綜合 性大學為教育目標。

中国 文化 大学 外籍 生

[ 2021境外生獎助學金 ]

– 就讀本校全英課程之外籍學生僑生均可申請
– 依照成績排名研究所前 20% 全額學雜費減免接續 20% 助學金每學期新台幣 31500大學部前 10% 全額學雜費減免30% 半額學雜費減免10% 助學金每學期新台幣27000元

– 預定發放總金額 : TWD 7,482,215

– 每名獲得最高獎助學金金額 (每年/每學期) : 每名學生最高可獲得 5 萬元每學期 (10萬元每學年)


– 由本校馬來西亞校友會推薦新生 (外籍學生、僑生均可申請)
– 每年 15 名新生,第一年學雜費 50% 減免,第二年 30% 學雜費減免,第三年 20% 學雜費減免

– 預定發放總金額 : TWD 7,482,215

– 每名獲得最高獎助學金金額 (每年/每學期) : 每名學生最高可獲得 5 萬元每學期 (10萬元每學年)
