生活費 英文


  • living expenses


  • alimony


  • cost of living

    生活費; 生活費用;


附加生活費additional living expense ; [勞經] additional living expenses

基本生活費Basic allowances ; basic cost of living

生活費啊Cost of living ah ; Living expenses

生活費保險costs of living insurance

生活費津貼cost-of-living allowance ; COLA

生活費收入cost of living index

生活費預算通知Living Expenses Information

生活費指數cost of living index

實際生活費指數actual cost of living index

子女生活費支出Children living expenses ; Children living expenditures


  • 生活費的增長讓很多夫婦不敢建立起家庭。

    the rising cost of living has also discouraged couples from starting families.

  • 在城市里,不和家里老人一起住的年輕夫婦給老人生活費并幫助他們干家務活兒。

    in the cities, couples who do not live with their aged parents give the latter living allowances and help them with the house chores.

  • m:我認為,你必須每天都去大學,而這兒離大學很遠,如果你住在這兒,車費將花去你生活費的大部分。

    m: in my opinion, you have to go to the university every day, and the fare would cost you most of your living expenses if you live here far away from the university.

  • 假如你是一個網絡通,或者你有成為網絡同的潛力,那么你就有利用你的博客賺取充足的生活費的能力。

    if you are very web savvy, or if you can learn to become very web savvy, then you have an excellent shot of making enough money from your blog to cover all your living expenses… and then some.

  • 生活費的下降和工農業產品價格的下降有著密切關系.

    the fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.

  • 考慮到你大部分生活開支已經被解決了,所以生活費就不用操心了。

    also, consider that most of your living expenses are covered, so cost-of-living expenses are not really a concern.

  • 薪酬預算是一家公司為加薪或生活費調整所準備的預算。

    the salary budget is the total amount of money a company has for merit increases or cost of living adjustments.

  • 支出情況: 目前主要支出就是日常的生活費.

    expenditures: current expenditure is the main day - to - day living expenses.

  • 我將要離婚了,該如何節衣縮食用來支付生活費呢?

    i’m going through a divorce. how is contemplating my navel going to help pay alimony?

  • 他們認為計劃中的上限對最貧困的孩子,特別是那些在大家庭中以及在生活費高昂的大城市的孩子是「非常不公平的」。

    their message is that the cap could be 「profoundly unjust」 to the poorest children in society, especially those in larger families and those living in expensive major cities.

  • 生活費在郵政區域最終排名中也起了非常重要的作用。

    cost of living was also heavily weighted in the final ranking of zips.

  • 今年23歲的達雅納拉,常常存一些錢負擔學費及生活費,余下的錢就寄到波羅黎各老家給父母用。

    dayanara, now 23, would set some of the money aside for school and living expenses, often sending the remainder home to her parents in puerto rico.

  • 很多類似機構都會向學生收取幾千美元的費用再為他們安排工作。同時也有機構提供獎學金來幫助學生解決住房費用及生活費

    many of these groups require students to pay a fee of several thousand dollars to set them up with a job, while others award fellowships that help cover the cost of housing and living expenses.

  • 雷求學期間會在當地的農場干活賺取生活費

    ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying.

  • 他要求叔叔在他收到薪金支票前為他提供生活費.

    he asked his uncle to accommodate him until his pay cheque arrived.

  • 三分之二的巴基斯坦人生活在農村地區,直接或間接地依靠農業生存,至少有24%的巴基斯坦人每天生活費不足2美元。

    two-thirds of pakistanis are living in rural areas and relying directly or indirectly on agriculture, with at least 24 percent of pakistanis living on less than $2 a day.

  • 生活費的增加引起許多問題.

    the increased cost of living posed many problems.

  • 很明顯,面對國家的經濟衰退、生活費的上漲和失業率的上升,人們沒有興致再去看王室成員們在倫敦的高級夜總會派對。

    british subjects are apparently in no mood to see the young royals partying in exclusive london nightclubs while the kingdom sinks into recession, the cost of living rockets and jobs are lost.

  • 由於聯邦政府減少了其對辦公用地的需求,且當地零售商對於聯邦政府工作人員生活費調低一事十分惱火,所以華盛頓的寫字樓地產市場可能降溫。

    washington「s market for office space may cool as the federal government pares back its demand for space, and local retailers are grumpy about lost cost-of-living adjustments for federal workers.

  • 但是他卻對於父母為了供給他的生活費而辛勤勞動這一事實視而不見。

    but he seems blind of how diligently his parents are striving to supply him with living expenses.

  • 國際咨詢公司美世日前發布世界各城市的海外派駐員工生活費排行榜,非洲安哥拉首都羅安達奪冠,日本東京居次席。

    luanda, the capital of angola in africa, was ranked the most expensive city for expatriates, according to mercer」s worldwide cost of living survey.

  • 我每個月可以得到五百元生活費.

    i can get 500 yuan living expenses every month.

  • 我們只考慮生活費指數在100和200之間的郵政區域。

    only zips where the cost of living index was between 100 and 200 were considered.

  • 聽萊特布萊爾先生說生活費問題已經解決.

    mr letterblair tells me the financial question has been settled.

  • 生活費的增加是個嚴重問題.

    increase in the cost of living is a serious problem.

  • 我的伯父將支付我的學費并提供我的生活費.

    my uncle will pay my tuition and also provide for my living expenses.

  • 自今年年初以來,我們的生活費上漲得快,政府因此推出「增長共享」配套,幫助新加坡家庭減輕生活負擔。

    this year, with the cost of living rising, we launched the grow &share package to help households cope.

  • 在音樂行業里,這就體現在是賺點生活費還是什么都撈不到上。不幸地是,很多人都沒做這些小事。

    small things that simply aren’t done can be the difference between earning a part time living and earning nothing at all, and unfortunately a lot of the time these things simply aren’t done.

  • 列克星敦的財產稅和生活費都較低,是數十家大公司、肯塔基大學和馬場的所在地。

    lexington, which has low property taxes and cost of living, is home to dozens of major companies, the university of kentucky, and horse farms.

  • 即便是在父母必須為子女的生活費出錢的今天,即便與歐洲國家相比,大學對於俄國人來說還是非常便宜的。

    even today, when parents do have to chip in for their children「s living expenses, and even in relative terms, university education is a great bargain for russians.

  • 咱倆把這筆錢平均分一下,每人每月的生活費還不到10英鎊。

    averaging it out between us there」s less than £10 a month each to live on.

  • 可是一切如常,就是洪小玲索要的生活費在不斷上漲,她總是說物價一直在漲。

    but everything was going as usual. the most unusual thing was that hong asked for a higher and higher living expense.