拒絕 工作 offer 英文

搵工時如果同時收到幾個 offer,少不免要開口拒絕,但有時候又難以啟齒⋯

跟住以下寫 Offer Rejection Letter 嘅三部曲,就可以「華麗轉身」,拒絕得恰當又得體!

1. 開場白+感謝

I certainly appreciate your kind offer of employment as a Marketing Manager in ABC Company.
非常感激你提出聘用我為 ABC 公司的市場部經理。

Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to work at ABC Company as a Marketing Manager.
非常感激你給我機會在 ABC 公司以市場部經理的身份工作。

2. 拒絕

Unfortunately, I will not be accepting the position as I have accepted a position with another company.

However, I regret that I cannot accept your offer, as I promised to join another company before your offer came to me.

3. 結尾+再次表達感謝

Again, thank you for your time and consideration.

Once again, please allow me to express my gratitude for the offer and my regrets for declining it.



����1) i am sorry but i just accepted another offer that i feel is more suitable to my needs / more right for me./ more interesting to me.


����2) i really appreciate your offer, but i must decline it./


����3) frankly speaking, i have been thinking that the position is not right for me after the interview.


����4) i really think that position suits my education background better.


����5��i don't want to accept a position that i don't think i will be happy in/offers me too little salary/ can't supply me with an apartment.


����your words should be professional and courteous. you may be turning down this position, but you might want to be considered for future opportunities. savvy (�м�ʶ��) job seekers use every possible chance to thank each person with whom you interviewed and wish them and their company continued success.

�Ƽ���2017-04-18 �� TA��ó���218����


拒絕 工作 offer 英文






拒絕 工作 offer 英文


Dear XXX,

Thank you very much for offering me the position of XXX . It was a difficult decision to make, but, I have accepted a position with another company.

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to interview me and to share information on the opportunity and your company.

Again, thank you for your consideration.




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Subject Line:Job Opportunity from (Company name)

Hi Ting-Han,

Hope you’re doing well!

This is (Recruiter name) the recruiter from (Company name). I saw your profile and it’s impressive!

Just to drop you an update that we are seeking for the potential candidates for (Position name). It’s an office-based role with WFH flexibility in our core team.

Please kindly let me know if you’re interested in new opportunities, I’m happy to share with you more details.

Thank you!
(Recruiter name)



Hi (Recruiter name),

Thank you for reaching out to me, I appreciate your consideration.

I’m afraid that after careful consideration, I’ll need to decline the opportunity due to my personal career development.

Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause.

I also look forward to future opportunities for collaboration, and wish you can find good talents soon.


*此處的I’m afraid並非表示「害怕」,而是一種客氣的用法,等同於「I think + (that)子句」的用法,只是使用「I’m afraid + (that)子句」比使用「I think + (that) 子句」在語氣上較為婉轉客氣。


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