Wonder 中文

    • 另请参见:
      • womanly
      • womb
      • wombat
      • women
      • women-only
      • womenfolk
      • womxn
      • womyn
      • won
      • won't
      • wonder
      • wonderful
      • wonderfully
      • wondering
      • wonderland
      • wonderment
      • wonderstruck
      • wondrous
      • wondrously
      • wonk
      • wonky
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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2022:

英语 中文
wonder [sth] vtr (be curious to know) SCSimplified Chinese 感到好奇 gǎn dào hào qí
    SCSimplified Chinese 问自己 gǎn dào hào qí ,wèn zì jǐ
  I wonder if wine can be made from cherries. I wonder if that film is still showing at the cinema.
wonder [sth] vtr (polite enquiry or request) SCSimplified Chinese 想知道 xiǎng zhī dào
    SCSimplified Chinese 不知道…是否 xiǎng zhī dào,bù zhī dào … shì fǒu
  I wonder if you would be interested in buying this car over here.
wonder n (amazement) SCSimplified Chinese 惊奇 jīng qí
TCTraditional Chinese 驚奇
    SCSimplified Chinese 惊诧 jīng qí ,jīng chà
    SCSimplified Chinese 惊诧 jīng qí ,jīng chà
  The child's wonder at the kaleidoscope never ended.
英语 中文
wonder adj (miraculous) SCSimplified Chinese 神奇的 shén qí de
    SCSimplified Chinese 不可思议的 shén qí de,bù kě sī yì de
    SCSimplified Chinese 非凡的 shén qí de,fēi fán de
  Penicillin was once considered a wonder drug.
wonder n (cause of amazement) SCSimplified Chinese 神童 shén tóng
    SCSimplified Chinese 奇迹 shén tóng,qí jì
TCTraditional Chinese 奇蹟 / 奇跡
    SCSimplified Chinese 不可思议的事物 shén tóng,bù kě sī yì de shì wù
  This baby has been such a wonder for us.
wonder n (miracle) SCSimplified Chinese (自然界的)奇观 zì rán jiè de qí guān
    SCSimplified Chinese 奇景 zì rán jiè de qí guān,qí jǐng
    SCSimplified Chinese 奇迹 zì rán jiè de qí guān,qí jì
TCTraditional Chinese 奇蹟 / 奇跡
  The Panama Canal is one of the wonders of the modern world.
wonder⇒ vi (be amazed) SCSimplified Chinese 惊叹 jīng tàn
    SCSimplified Chinese 感到惊奇 jīng tàn,gǎn dào jīng qí
  He could not believe what he saw. He just wondered at it.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2022:

英语 中文
wonder about [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (ponder) SCSimplified Chinese 想知道 xiǎng zhī dào
    SCSimplified Chinese 对…感到奇怪 xiǎng zhī dào,duì gǎn dào qí guài
  Sometimes I wonder about the origins of the universe and where we came from.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2022:

英语 中文
fill [sb] with wonder⇒ vtr (amaze) SCSimplified Chinese 令…吃惊 lìng chī jīng
TCTraditional Chinese 令…吃驚
    SCSimplified Chinese 令…感到惊讶 lìng chī jīng,lìng gǎn dào jīng yà
  Gazing at the night sky never ceases to fill me with wonder.
in wonder adv (with a sense of awe, amazement) SCSimplified Chinese 惊奇地 jīng qí de
    SCSimplified Chinese 惊讶地 jīng qí de,jīng yà de
TCTraditional Chinese 驚訝地
miracle drug,
wonder drug
(effective new drug) SCSimplified Chinese 特效药 tè xiào yào
TCTraditional Chinese 特效藥
  Penicillin was called a miracle drug when it first came out because it stopped infections.
no wonder interj (it is not surprising) SCSimplified Chinese 难怪 nán guài
TCTraditional Chinese 難怪
    SCSimplified Chinese 怪不得 nán guài,guài bù dé
  No wonder the house is so cold, the heater is broken! No wonder the baby is crying, his diaper needs to be changed.
one hit wonder,
informal (pop performer only successful once) SCSimplified Chinese 昙花一现 tán huā yí xiàn
  When their song became a best-seller, the band thought they were going to be successful for life; however, they unfortunately ended up being a one hit wonder.
wonder boy (successful young man) SCSimplified Chinese 神奇小子
    SCSimplified Chinese 有非凡成就的年轻人
wonder of the world,
Wonder of the World
often plural (ancient landmark or feature) SCSimplified Chinese 世界奇迹
    SCSimplified Chinese 世界奇观

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

wonder [ˈwʌndər]

I n

1 [c] (=miracle) 奇迹(蹟) qíjì

2 [u] (=awe) 惊(驚)奇 jīngqí

II vt to wonder whether/why, etc. 想知道是否/为(為)什么(麼)等 xiǎng zhīdào shìfǒu/wèi shénme děng

III vi 感到奇怪 gǎndào qíguài

  • it's a wonder that…
    奇怪的是… qíguài de shì…
  • (it's) no/little/small wonder that…
    (这(這))难(難)怪… (zhè)nánguài…
  • to work or do wonders
    创(創)造奇迹(蹟) chuàngzào qíjì
  • to wonder about sth
    对(對)某事感到疑惑 duì mǒushì gǎndào yíhuò
  • to wonder at sth
    对(對)某事感到诧(詫)异(異) duì mǒushì gǎndào chàyì
  • I wonder if you could help me
    不知你是否可以帮我 bùzhī nǐ shìfǒu kěyǐ bāng wǒ



I wonder [what, how, why, when, where, who], the seven wonders of the world, (she is) a wonder [child, student], 更多……

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