右 眼皮 跳 的 原因


There you are, minding your own business, when your eye starts to spasm out of control. It’s a very annoying feeling which can persist for hours. But is there any cause for alarm?


Trinidadians have quite a rich collection of superstitions concerning jumping eyes. For instance, if your right eye jumps, you are going to hear good news, and if your left eye jumps, you are going to hear bad news. Superstitions aside, the short answer is that a twitching eye is totally fine, although in some exceptional cases it may underlie a neurological condition.


Eye spasm is characterized by the spontaneous contractions of muscle without muscular atrophy or weakness. You might have experienced an involuntary muscle spasmin your knee or elbow. The same can happen to the orbicularis oculi muscle (the muscle in the face that closes the eyelids).


spasm n. [临床] 痉挛;抽搐

Eye spams are typically unilateral, occurring in one of the lower eyelids. Sometimes, both eyelids may be involved but the fascicular contractions of each eyelid is independent of each other. The transient and intermittent twitching is semi-rhythmic at a rate of 3-8 Hz.


In the majority of cases, eyelid spasms are no cause for concern. These are usually self-limiting and benign, so medical intervention is typically unnecessary. Very rarely, eyelid myokymia may occur as a precursor of hemifacial spasm, blepharospasm, Meige syndrome, spastic-paretic facial contracture, and multiple sclerosis.



压力 Stress

This is the number-one reason for a twitching eye, according to ophthalmologists. When we're under a lot of pressure, the body releases stress hormones (cortisol) which triggers a “fight or flight” response. One immediate consequence is muscle arousal, which may affect eyelid muscles as well. This may be a good time to see your friends, unwind, or meditate in order to reduce the stress that might be causing the twitching eye.


ophthalmologists n. 眼科医师

unwind vt. 放松;解开

疲劳 Fatigue

Not getting enough sleep or working too much overtime may cause your eye to complain. Scientists aren't sure why, but they've found that getting more rest will make the symptoms subside.


subside vi. 平息;减弱

眼干涩 Dry eyes

More and more people work office jobs that involve a lot of sitting and staring at a computer screen. This sort of lifestyle can lead to dry eye syndrome (DES), also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). Dry eye syndrome is caused by a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. When our eyes are too dry, they might involuntarily start twitching to keep them moisturized. This repeated blinking can trick the brain into making one or both eyes twitcheven more. To avoid DES, use eye drops if you use the computer for more than seven hours a day and make sure to look away from the screen at least once every 20 minutes.


twitch n. 抽搐;抽动;痉挛

咖啡因和酒精 Caffeine and alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol have seemingly polar effects on the body. One is a stimulant while the other is an inhibitor — but both can bring a twitching eye when used in excess. It's important to stay hydrated and to avoid real or artificial sugars when this happens.


缺乏矿物质 Mineral deficiencies

A jumping eye might be triggered by magnesium deficiency. If the twitch persists, it’s a good idea to get your magnesium levels checked with a simple blood test. If you really are magnesium deficient, you should focus on eating more foods like almonds, oatmeal, or spinach. You can also take magnesium supplements to meet daily Mg needs.


眼睑感染 Eyelid infection

Blepharitis occurs when bacteria infect your eyelids, causing inflammation and redness. This makes the muscles around the eye twitchy. Other symptoms include burning or stinging eyes, dandruff at the base of the eye, and grittiness. The treatment of blepharitis should begin with a visit with your eye doctor to determine the cause of your sore, red, itchy eyelids. Eyelid hygiene is very helpful to treat and control blepharitis, and a good place to begin is applying a wet clean warm compress to melt any blocked residue around the eyelid. Repeat this several times a day.


dandruff n. 皮屑

grittiness n. 有砂砾



右眼:家人有机会得到意外之财,例如忽然中了奖,也有可能丢掉的钱又找回来了。 左:贵人贵客报到,让你生命重现曙光,多留意忽然出现在你身边;很久不见的朋友。 右眼:平安顺利,不必太过担心可能发生危险的状况,吉人自有天相,安心睡觉吧。 左:人际关系会变好,许久不见的朋友再次相逢,可能捎来不错的喜讯。


右眼跳丶喜:一样会有好事发生,属於意外的小惊喜,有点不太起眼,但也不错。 左眼跳丶损财:最近可能会有一笔突如其来的花费或发生掉钱的意外,建议小心理财,注意周身安全。 右眼跳丶有思:有人正在想念着妳唷,最近异性缘不错,有事情需要帮忙可以多找异性相助。


左下眼皮跳代表本身有吉事將要發生,右下則代表自己要遇凶、倒霉啦! 女生眼皮跳:左上眼皮跳代表友人有吉事發生,右上眼皮跳代表友人遇凶。 左下眼皮跳代表自己可能會遇凶、倒霉,右下眼皮跳則表示自己有吉事要發生了。


眼皮为什么眼皮跳在眼科专业上称为眼睑震颤。 在我们的眼睑上主要有两种肌肉,一种是轮匝肌,另一种是上睑提肌,两种肌肉通过收缩舒张,来帮助眼睛完成闭和睁的操作。 然而,由于劳累等因素,会使神经受到过度刺激,进而导致眼睑肌肉发生颤动,从外观上看,好像眼睑的皮肤在“跳跃”一样,也就出现了我们常说的眼皮跳