
What is the meaning of 谨慎 in English and how to say 谨慎 in English? 谨慎 English meaning, 謹慎的英文, 谨慎的英文,謹慎的英文, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.

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We are mindful that in working out an improved criminal legal aid fee system, we have to balance the need to


provide reasonable and effective remuneration to assigned lawyers,

[...] and the duty to be prudent in public money spending.

董 事 會 認 為 公 司 此 次 本 著 謹 慎 性 原 則 計 提 的 大 額 資 產 [...]

減 值 準 備 符 合 會 計 準 則 的 相 關 規 定,是 恰 當 和 公 允 的。

The Directors are of the view that the


significant provision of asset impairment made by

[...] the Company on a prudent basis is in compliance [...]

with relevant accounting standards and is fair and appropriate.

延遲還款申請應有更多規限,而審核申請時亦應更 為 謹慎。

There should be more restrictions on deferment applications and applications should be more carefully examined.

掌握基本概念及技能是學 生能否繼續發展的基礎,教師更應 謹慎 地 處 理。

Teachers should be mindful in particular of concepts and skills which form the basis for further development in learning.

如果證書並未能追蹤至一個可信任的核證機關,你應 該 謹慎 處 理 所有以這證書處 理的訊息。

If the certificate cannot be traced to a trusted

[...] CA, you should be cautious about messages [...]

that use this certificate.


否導致或相當可能導致一般消費者作出某項交易決定,而倘若該消費 者沒有接觸該營業行為,該消費者不會作出該項交易決定,因此擬議第 13D條訂明,在斷定某營業行為對一般消費者的影響時,須考慮到有

[...] 關的一般消費者的重要特徵,包括該消費者所掌握的資料、該消費 者的觀察力和謹慎程度 均達到合理水平。

As some of the new prohibitions involve a consideration of whether a commercial practice causes or is likely to cause an average consumer to make a transactional decision that the consumer would not have made otherwise, the proposed section 13D provides that in determining the effect of a commercial practice on the average consumer, account must be taken of the material characteristics of


such an average consumer, including that the consumer is reasonably well informed,

[...] reasonably observant and circumspect. 業務宣傳意指由牙醫本人或由他人代表或容許他人 對該牙醫的專業服務、其牙科業務或其團體作出宣 傳,包括以任何方式在本港或其他地方為該牙醫或其 牙科業務進行宣傳(包括在需小心謹慎 的 情 況下未有 採取足夠措施阻止該等宣傳活動),而此舉客觀來說構 成對其專業服務的推廣,不論他是否實際上因有關宣 傳而得益。 Practice promotion means publicity for promoting the professional services of a dentist, his dental practice or his group, which includes any means by which a dentist or his dental practice is publicized, in Hong Kong or elsewhere, by himself or anybody acting on his behalf or with his forbearance (including the failure to take adequate steps to prevent such publicity in circumstances which would call for caution), which objectively speaking constitutes promotion of his professional services, irrespective of whether he actually benefits from such publicity.

本 守則未能列舉可導致紀律研訊的所有情況,註冊中醫應 謹慎處理 操守問題,以維持註冊中醫的整體專業操守水 平。

Registered Chinese medicine

[...] practitioners should be cautious in their conduct, [...]

so as to maintain the professional standard


and integrity of registered Chinese medicine practitioners.

基礎證券發行人必須符合下列所有準則:(i) 其必須是一個合格境外機構投資者或 隸屬一個合格境外機構投資者集團;(ii) 其(或其擔保人)必須是一個具規模的財務


機構,已繳資本最低為相等於1.5 億港元的金額;(iii) 其(或其擔保人)為一家在受

[...] 託人及基金經理認為可接受的司法管轄區內受 到 謹慎 監 管 的銀行或集團(包括銀行) 的成員公司;及(iv) [...]

其必須具有基金經理接受的信貸評級(經考慮到例如現行市場 情況、其他具有可比擬財務信譽的實體的信貸評級及有關的交易對手的控股公司


A Base Securities Issuer must meet all of the following criteria: (i) it must be a qualified foreign institutional investor (“QFII”) or belong to a QFII group; (ii) it (or its guarantor) must be a financial institution with a minimum paid up capital of the equivalent of HK$150 million; (iii) it (or its guarantor) is a


bank or a member company of a group

[...] (including a bank) prudentially supervised in [...]

a jurisdiction acceptable to the Trustee


and the Manager; and (iv) it must have a credit rating acceptable to the Manager (taking into account factors such as the prevailing market conditions, the credit ratings of other entities with comparable financial standing and the credit rating of the holding company (if any) of the relevant counterparties or counterparty).

閣下同意及確認倘若支票上有不易通過合 理謹慎而察 覺的塗改或增添而引致任何損失,本行毋須對此承擔責任。

You agree and acknowledge that we will not be responsible for losses arising from alterations or additions which cannot be detected by exercising reasonable care.

因此,要研析一個 缺乏其他權威指導的範疇而要參照這些案件作指引時,務須倍 加謹 慎。

Accordingly great care is needed when looking at these cases for guidance in an area where there is little other authority.

按照學校創始人的崇高理 想和傳統,學校為莘莘學子提供優質教育和全面發展在德育,智育,體育,群育和 美學領域的潛力,並以校訓「謙、恭 、 謹 、 慎 」 裁 培學生的正面人生態度,以及對 學校、家庭、社區和國家的歸屬感。

In accordance with the high ideals and traditions of founders of the school, it is committed to providing students with education of high quality and developing their full potential in moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic domains so that students are prepared to stretch their abilities to the full; to cultivate a positive attitude towards their life; to develop a sense of belonging to their school, family, community and nation and to contribute to their further well-being with the guidance of the school motto: “Be modest, be courteous, be diligent and be prudent”.

與此同時,本集團將繼 續謹慎尋求 及評估投資商機,並結合內涵增長,提升市場份額,確保市場份額的領先地 位。

At the same time, the Group will


continue to seek and evaluate investment

[...] opportunities in a prudent manner while pursuing [...]

organic growth in order to achieve


higher market share and solidify its leading market position.

然而,法律一般規 定公司的每名高級職員(包括董事、董事總經理及秘書)於行使本身的權力及履

[...] 行本身的職責時,必須以公司的最佳利益為前提而誠信地行事,並以合理審慎的 人士於類似情況下應有的謹慎、勤 勉及技巧行事。

However, as a matter of general law, every officer of a company, which includes a director, managing director and secretary, in exercising his powers and discharging his duties must do so honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the company


and exercise the care, diligence and skill

[...] that a reasonably prudent person would exercise [...]

in comparable circumstances.

我們相信透 過持續謹慎的爲 領導客戶群開發先進的技術將促使中芯國際在二零零七年下半年及二零零八 [...]

We believe the continued prudent development of advanced [...]

technology nodes for leading customers will position SMIC for continual


growth and improved profitability in the second half of 2007 and the year 2008.

但是新興城市在發展身分認同時,必須和西方城市過往同 樣 謹慎 , 過 去十年經歷所見,新興城市若趨於迪士尼化,對本地身分認同反倒有害無益;大文豪海明威所述的巴黎聖傑曼區已不再,得由今日市民與官員共創空間,供全球民眾與當地社區在未來數十年享受。

Hemingway’s St. Germain no longer exists and it is over to today’s city dwellers’ and policy makers to create engaging spaces which the global citizen and local communities alike can enjoy for decades to come.

在為有癲癇病史的病患及癲癇高發病患(如正在服用藥物來降低癲癇發作閾值的病患)(例如三環抗抑鬱劑)、 正在戒酒或停服苯並二氮卓類藥物的病患,或已確診或疑似患低鈉血症的病患開具 SUPREP 清腸套裝時要謹慎。

Use caution when prescribing SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit for patients with a history of seizures and in patients at increased risk of seizure, such as patients taking medications that lower the seizure threshold (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants), patients withdrawing from alcohol or benzodiazepines, or patients with known or suspected hyponatremia.

[...] 金融市場的時候,還給在近年來的首次公開募股(IPO,其英文縮寫)的國家,這些操作的分析表明,中小投資者在進入交易之前, 應 謹慎 流 派。


Most actions of 'newcomers' loses Ibovespa - At a time when the financial market gives back as some of the IPOs (IPO, its acronym in English) in the country, an analysis of


these operations in recent years shows that small

[...] investors should be cautious before entering into [...]

我們深 信,憑藉我們獨特的商業模式,謹慎 管 理 現金流,二級聯動開發,必能為本公司的可持續發展打 [...]

All in all, we believe that our unique

[...] business model, prudent cash flow management [...]

and involvement in secondary development


will lay a solid foundation for the Company’s sustainable development.

本章提出關於處理確認、付款和結算工作以及其他一 些主要後台辦公室操作的謹慎做法 建議。

This chapter recommends prudent practice in handling confirmation, payment and settlement, as well as other major back office operations.

2.9 閣下在簽發支票時應小心謹慎以確 保其準確性,並同意不使閣下簽發的支票有機會被人塗 改或作出詐騙或偽冒行為,特別是,但不限於

2.9 You are obliged to exercise due care when drawing cheques to ensure their correctness and accuracy and undertake that cheques shall not be drawn in a manner which will facilitate fraudulent alteration, fraud or forgery.

剛開始的時候,安沛(Yen Bai)對新環境和新的聲響有些謹慎和緊 張,但始終是對自己的新窩興奮得不得了,到處爬上爬下玩弄他的新玩物。

[...] Bai was a little cautious and slightly nervous [...]

about his new surroundings and the new sounds but nevertheless,


was super-exited about his den, climbing all over the place and playing with his new toys.

本集團將繼續控制成本及改進運作,延用對其客戶小 心 謹慎之 信 貸政策及改善產品質素,期望為股東帶來較佳的回報。

The Group will continue to take appropriate cost


control measures, rationalizing its

[...] operations, applying prudent credit policy for [...]

its customers and improving product quality


in order to achieve improved return for its shareholders.

相比 2012 年第一季,利潤率變化的主要原因是地區 組合變動,由韓國和其他市場的業務量強勁增長,及新收購的 ING 馬來西亞業務整合所導致;此 外,誠如我們在 2

[...] 月公佈的 2012 年全年業績時所述,我們謹慎假設 泰國的企業稅率將於 2015 年及其後課稅年度回升至 30%。

The change in margin compared with the first quarter of 2012 was mainly due to changes in the geographical mix arising from the strong volume growth achieved in our operations in Korea and Other Markets, as well as the consolidation of the newly-acquired business from ING Malaysia and, as stated


in our 2012 annual results

[...] announcement in February, our prudent assumption that the [...]

corporate tax rate in Thailand will


return to 30 per cent for assessment year 2015 and onwards.

之外,還需包括團體選任等多元化的組成方式,務求不同持份者,包括官員、專 業人士、文化工作者、公眾人士和非政府組織之間達 致 謹慎 的 平 衡。

It should comprise not only appointees of the Government, but also those who are chosen by concern groups so as to strike a prudent balance among all stakeholders, including government officials, professionals, individuals in the cultural sectors, members of the public and representatives from non-government organizations.

為求謹慎,筆 者首先申報,由筆者主持的香港大學民意研究計劃,由於條件不合,從來沒有入標爭取中央政策組的委託調查,應該不存在任何利益衝突。

As a note of caution, the author first [...]

has to declare that, the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong,


due to unsuitable criteria, has never submitted tenders to the surveys commissioned by the CPU, and therefore, there should not be any conflicts of interest.

[...] 的產品與服務每天都會影響人們的健康與福利,所 以 謹慎 地 依 據誠信正直、品 質及安全的原則行事,將可改善患者的健康,並讓我們所有的利害關係人對 [...]

Because Hospira’s products and services


impact the health and well-being of people

[...] every day, our careful attention to [...]

integrity, quality and safety improves patients’


lives and builds trust in Hospira among all of our stakeholders.

有些口服藥物用以控制荷爾蒙;如患者出現嚴重和外觀較差的暗瘡,有時候皮膚科醫生可能會處方口服維他命A衍生物以作治療,但這些藥物必 需 謹慎 使 用。

Sometimes dermatologists may prescribe


Vitamin A derivatives for patients with severe and disfiguring acne, but these drugs must

[...] be used with extreme caution.

儘管四地民對胡錦濤信任的原因多,未必完全一致,不過筆者以為包括了對胡錦濤努力打造中國成為世界強國的肯定、對港、澳、台政策的基本認同,以及對 其 謹慎 、 穩 重的領導人風範的欣賞。

Although there can be many and diverse reasons for having confidence in Hu Jintao among different peoples in GCR, the author believes these include peoples' approval of Hu Jintao's effort in establishing a stronger nation of China, their agreement


with his basic policies towards Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, and their

[...] appreciation of his cautious and dignified charisma.

其表現表明,即使在市況不穩及英國利率仍處於歷史低位 共同構成的壓力下,但若投資於表現穩健的分紅基金,仍可 為 謹慎 投 資 者帶來理想的回報。

This performance shows that investing in a strong with-profits fund can produce good returns for cautious investors, in spite of the combined pressures of volatile market conditions and UK interest rates remaining at historically low levels.