Listerine 漱 口水 口味

Stay up-to-date on all things LISTERINE®. Register today to receive relevant clinical information for your dental practice.

{* #registrationForm *} {* traditionalRegistration_emailAddress *} {* traditionalRegistration_password *} {* traditionalRegistration_passwordConfirm *} {* traditionalRegistration_firstName *} {* traditionalRegistration_lastName *} {* traditionalRegistration_gender *} {* traditionalRegistration_addressStreetAddress1 *} {* traditionalRegistration_addressStreetAddress2 *} {* phone *} {* mobilePhone *} {* professionalType *} {* licenseNumber *} {* professionalFacilityType *} {* professionalFacilityName *}

{* sampleDeliveryAddress_name *} {* sampleDeliveryAddress_address1 *} {* sampleDeliveryAddress_address2 *} {* sampleDeliveryAddress_address3 *}

{* sampleDeliveryAddress_country *} {* haveChildren *}

{* customQuestions *}

{* acceptTerms *}

{* professionalJoinPersonalTrial *}

We collect your personal information to process your request to create an account for this web site. If you did not give us your personal information we would be unable to open your account. Your personal information will be processed and stored by our contracted service provider who supports this site on our behalf and they are located in the USA.

With your express consent, which you give us by registering and opening an account on our web site, we will send you exclusive offers, product updates and other promotional information about our product range by mail, SMS or email.You may revoke your consent to our use of your personal information at any time by telling us or updating your details on the site. Also, subject to exceptions permitted by applicable law you may request access to, or correction of, your personal information. For further information about how you might revoke your consent, request access to or correction of your personal information, make a privacy enquiry or complaint, or see our full Privacy Policy please<click here>

By pressing “Submit” you expressly consent to : * Receiving marketing communications from us by mail, email or sms; * Your personal information being processed and stored outside your country of residence; and * Your personal information being processed by our contracted service provider.

{* /registrationForm *}

{* #requirementsPostLoginForm *} {* email *} {* haveChildren *}

We collect your personal information to process your request to create an account for this web site. If you did not give us your personal information we would be unable to open your account. Your personal information will be processed and stored by our contracted service provider who supports this site on our behalf and they are located in the USA.

With your express consent, which you give us by registering and opening an account on our web site, we will send you exclusive offers, product updates and other promotional information about our product range by mail, SMS or email.You may revoke your consent to our use of your personal information at any time by telling us or updating your details on the site. Also, subject to exceptions permitted by applicable law you may request access to, or correction of, your personal information. For further information about how you might revoke your consent, request access to or correction of your personal information, make a privacy enquiry or complaint, or see our full Privacy Policy please<click here>

By pressing “Submit” you expressly consent to : * Receiving marketing communications from us by mail, email or sms; * Your personal information being processed and stored outside your country of residence; and * Your personal information being processed by our contracted service provider.

{* saveButton *} {* /requirementsPostLoginForm *}

{* #forgotPasswordForm *} {* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *} {* /forgotPasswordForm *}

Looks like you have an existing account with us. We have made some changes to our site and we need you to create a new password in order to login. Click send to recieve an email with instructions on how to create your new password.

{* #optinUserNewPasswordForm *} {* optinUser_emailAddress *} {* /optinUserNewPasswordForm *}

We've sent an email with instructions to create a new password. Your existing password has not been changed.

{* #privacyPolicyPostLoginForm *}

By clicking Accept below, you confirm that you have read, understand and accept our most recent 隱私政策.

世界衛生組織估計約 1/4 的成年人都有某種形式的口腔細菌感染問題,當中有 15% - 20% 會演變成嚴重的牙齦疾病。好消息是,屬早期階段牙齦疾病的口腔細菌感染是可逆轉的。以下的李施德林產品就可以幫到您




口臭有許多可能的原因,其中 80% 源自口腔。與其想辦法掩蓋難聞的氣味,倒不如正視口腔內導致口臭揮之不去的根本問題,從源頭上保持口腔健康。以下李施德林產品可以幫到您。





Listerine 漱 口水 口味

李施德林柚戀百香ZERO配方漱口水, 微甜果香持久清新口氣。

Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味

李施德林櫻花香桃ZERO配方漱口水, 清爽果香持久清新口氣。

Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味

Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味


Listerine 漱 口水 口味

{* #userInformationForm *} {* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *} {* traditionalSignIn_password *}

{* traditionalSignIn_signInButton *} {* traditionalSignIn_createButton *}

{* /userInformationForm *}

Welcome back!

{* #userInformationForm *} {* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *} {* traditionalSignIn_password *}

{* traditionalSignIn_signInButton *}

{* /userInformationForm *} Forgot your password?

Stay up-to-date on all things LISTERINE®. Register today to receive relevant clinical information for your dental practice.

{* #registrationForm *} {* traditionalRegistration_emailAddress *} {* traditionalRegistration_password *} {* traditionalRegistration_passwordConfirm *} {* traditionalRegistration_firstName *} {* traditionalRegistration_lastName *} {* traditionalRegistration_gender *} {* traditionalRegistration_addressStreetAddress1 *} {* traditionalRegistration_addressStreetAddress2 *} {* phone *} {* mobilePhone *} {* professionalType *} {* licenseNumber *} {* professionalFacilityType *} {* professionalFacilityName *}

{* sampleDeliveryAddress_name *} {* sampleDeliveryAddress_address1 *} {* sampleDeliveryAddress_address2 *} {* sampleDeliveryAddress_address3 *}

{* sampleDeliveryAddress_country *} {* haveChildren *}

{* customQuestions *}

{* acceptTerms *}

{* professionalJoinPersonalTrial *}

We collect your personal information to process your request to create an account for this web site. If you did not give us your personal information we would be unable to open your account. Your personal information will be processed and stored by our contracted service provider who supports this site on our behalf and they are located in the USA.

With your express consent, which you give us by registering and opening an account on our web site, we will send you exclusive offers, product updates and other promotional information about our product range by mail, SMS or email.You may revoke your consent to our use of your personal information at any time by telling us or updating your details on the site. Also, subject to exceptions permitted by applicable law you may request access to, or correction of, your personal information. For further information about how you might revoke your consent, request access to or correction of your personal information, make a privacy enquiry or complaint, or see our full Privacy Policy please<click here>

By pressing “Submit” you expressly consent to : * Receiving marketing communications from us by mail, email or sms; * Your personal information being processed and stored outside your country of residence; and * Your personal information being processed by our contracted service provider.

{* /registrationForm *}

{* #requirementsPostLoginForm *} {* email *} {* haveChildren *}

We collect your personal information to process your request to create an account for this web site. If you did not give us your personal information we would be unable to open your account. Your personal information will be processed and stored by our contracted service provider who supports this site on our behalf and they are located in the USA.

With your express consent, which you give us by registering and opening an account on our web site, we will send you exclusive offers, product updates and other promotional information about our product range by mail, SMS or email.You may revoke your consent to our use of your personal information at any time by telling us or updating your details on the site. Also, subject to exceptions permitted by applicable law you may request access to, or correction of, your personal information. For further information about how you might revoke your consent, request access to or correction of your personal information, make a privacy enquiry or complaint, or see our full Privacy Policy please<click here>

By pressing “Submit” you expressly consent to : * Receiving marketing communications from us by mail, email or sms; * Your personal information being processed and stored outside your country of residence; and * Your personal information being processed by our contracted service provider.

{* saveButton *} {* /requirementsPostLoginForm *}

{* #forgotPasswordForm *} {* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *} {* /forgotPasswordForm *}

Looks like you have an existing account with us. We have made some changes to our site and we need you to create a new password in order to login. Click send to recieve an email with instructions on how to create your new password.

{* #optinUserNewPasswordForm *} {* optinUser_emailAddress *} {* /optinUserNewPasswordForm *}

We've sent an email with instructions to create a new password. Your existing password has not been changed.

{* #privacyPolicyPostLoginForm *}

By clicking Accept below, you confirm that you have read, understand and accept our most recent 隱私政策.