活 到 老 學 到 老 英文



活 到 老 學 到 老 英文

  • live and learn.; it is never too old to learn.; never too late to learn.; no man is so old but that he may not learn


  • No one is so old but that he may learn .
  • I called in yaqin to do the signature
  • Live and learn . life can teach you a lot of lessons
  • Live and learn . / keep on learning as long as you live
  • The message of the story was ? you ' re never too old to learn
    这个故事的寓意是“活到老学到老” 。
  • It ' s never too late to learn
  • Never too old to learn is an idiom
  • No man is so old but he may learn . ( = no man is too old to learn
    没有人因为太老而不能学(活到老学到老) 。
  • My father used to say " you are never too old to learn "
    父亲曾经告诉我“保持谦卑的学习态度,活到老学到老” 。
  • I had no idea they were related . oh well , you live and learn

说法一:"活到老学到老"一语,出自古代雅典著名政治家梭伦之口,直译为"我愈老愈学到了更多的东西"。 梭伦早年就赢得"雅典第一诗人"的桂冠;在实行摧毁氏族制度的" 梭伦改革"前后,四处游历考察;晚年退隐在家,从事研究和著述,经常吟咏"活到老学到老"以自勉。著名传记 作家普鲁塔克在《梭伦生平》中引用了这句名言。18世纪法国启蒙家卢梭在晚年的著作《一个孤独散步者的遐想》中又加以引用和发挥,从此,梭伦的这一名言得以流传至今。

英文:live and learn (v.)



  • I had no idea that she was as old as that. Well, you live and learn. (我沒想到她年紀這麼大了。真是活到老學到老)
  • I didn’t know that snakes could swim. Well, live and learn! (我以前不知道蛇會游泳。真是活到老學到老!)

groups, including gaps between men and women, urban and rural populations and, in suburban and slum areas.

会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都 能有尊严地过着幸福 生 活。

The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel


mines, where the rights of all are respected

[...] and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.

最終安排與原建議的安 排大致相同,即學校將不會再純粹分為採用英語作為教學語言的 學校(下稱"英中")和採用中文作為教學語言的學校(下稱"中中"); 如學校在過去兩年獲派屬全港" 前列40%"的中一新生平均比例達 到一班學生人 數的85%,該校便可全權酌情決定其教學語言安排; 以母語教授學科的其他學校可運用總課時的25%進行英語延展教 學活動;以及學校可將英語延展教學 活 動 的 課時,轉化為以英語 教授個別科目(最多兩個科目)。

The finalized arrangements were largely the same as originally proposed in that there would no longer be pure bifurcation of schools into schools using English (EMI schools) and Chinese (CMI schools) as the medium of instruction; schools would be given full discretion to determine its MOI arrangements


if the average proportion of Secondary

[...] One intake admitted to a class belonging to the "top 40%" group in the previous two years reached 85% of the size of the class; other schools adopting mother tongue for teaching content subjects could use 25% of the total lesson time for extended learning activities (ELA) in English; [...]

and schools could transform


the ELA time into the adoption of EMI for individual subjects, up to a maximum of two subjects.

香港婦產科學會會 長李福謙醫生表示,調查結果反映香港新一代更年期女性雖然在各方面的生活條件均有改善,但是她們仍然不能擺脫更年期帶來的陰影,而且對 年 老 的 生 活 有 不 少憂慮。

According to Dr. Dominic Li, President of the Hong Kong Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society, though new generation of menopausal women are enjoying better qualities of life, they cannot let go the shadow of menopause and still bear many worries about the future.

纳瓦是分开的,其余的包时,Aleu加入他来帮助他跨过, 但 到 二 重 ,谁愿 意 老 领 导的 生 活 和 年 轻的半狼的运行。

When Nava is separated from the rest of the pack,


Aleu joins him to help him

[...] across, but runs into Niju, who is ready to take the elderly leader’s life and the young half-wolf’s [...]


[...] 徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》开列的禁止歧视理由包括“年龄”(第 7 条); 《残疾人权利公约》关于健康权的第 25(b)条和关于享有适足生活水平 的权利的 第 28 条第 2(b)款也一般地提到老年人。

Nevertheless, two human rights instruments do contain explicit references to “age”: the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, which includes “age” in the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination (article 7); and the


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which includes miscellaneous references to older persons, in article 25 (b) on the right to

[...] health, and in article 28, paragraph 2 (b), on the right to an adequate standard of living.

有錢的㆟會到鄉村俱 樂部、有的㆟會到青少 年㆗心,年紀大的可能會 去 老 ㆟ 活 動 ㆗ 心。

For example, wealthy people will go to country clubs, young

[...] people to youth centres and elderly people to social centres for elderly persons.

想不到活動一 推出,就受到許多人的讚許 和喜愛,所以後來又以女子高中學生 及 公務員為推廣、獎勵的對象,結果同樣 受 到 歡 迎 ,尤其是從未有機會享受運動樂趣 的 老 年 人 ,在參加過之後,更是愛不釋手,樂此不疲。

Afterwards, croquet aquired more priase and affection that Girls High School and civil servants began promoting the activity, especially since the activity gives the opportunities for young and old people to participate together in a [...]

2008-09 年有否預留資源,進行公眾推廣及教育工作,包 括 到學 校 及 社區舉 行簡介會或透過學校參觀規劃署等活 動 , 以增加年青人認識及參與城市規 劃?

Are there any resources reserved in

[...] 2008-09 for promotion and public education, including the organisation of briefing sessions in schools and [...] [...]

to the Planning Department by schools, in order to enhance the awareness of and participation in town planning among the youth?

經過多年發展,眼科中心的低視能服務在業界中 得 到 一 致 肯定。中心在2008/09成功主辦及協辦多個與低視能有關的培訓班及講座:如為阿曼Al Noor Association for the Blind 低視能中心的眼科醫生及視光師,提供了一連4天的培訓;為香港理工大學職業治療學系3年班學生主講「視障之成因及其對視覺功能的影響」;為香港理工大學視光學學院4年班學生提供低視能培訓及實習;為深圳市殘疾人聯合會主講「低視能輔助器及其應用」;為教育局轉介參與融合教育 之 學 校 老 師 , 及為香港渣打銀行之員工提供有關視障的成因及預防方法的講座。

With well-established services, the Centre provided low

[...] [...] programmes in 2008/09 to meet the needs of many, namely; a 4-day low vision training course for an ophthalmologist and an optometrist of Oman; lecture on the common causes of visual impairment and their functional implications for Year 3 students of the Faculty of Occupational Therapy of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; low vision clinical training for the final year students of the School of Optometry of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; lecture and workshop on low vision for the Shenzhen Provincial Disabled People’s Federation; lectures for school teachers referred [...] [...]

Bureau and staff of the Standard Chartered Bank on the causes and prevention of visual impairment.

我们始终要求我们的员工要活到老, 学 到老 , 灵 活应对变化 — 因为将来我们的退休年龄会越来越高。

[...] lifelong learning and job flexibility are important for [...]

our employees and for the company because of the need to


adjust to the longer duration of working life.

他们深信受教育是一种权利,是可持续发展的基础和先决条件而且人 要 活到老, 学到老。

They are anchored in the conviction that


education is a right, a foundation and prerequisite for sustainable development and

[...] that learning happens throughout life.

我很希望政府能制訂㆒些較為微觀的醫療政策,對於我在較早前提及 的婦女、職業健康、老㆟、學童、 牙科等等各方面的服務,作出清楚的交代。

It is earnestly hoped that the Government will formulate its medical policy in greater details and to responded clearly to the


services concerning women,

[...] occupational health, the elderly, school children and dental [...]

care that I have mentioned earlier.

政府强调,增加包括从学龄儿 童到老年人 在内的所有年龄的人在基层参与运动,以确保马尔代夫人都有机会参 与优质体育活动, 不管他们的文化、性别、能力或年龄。

From schooling years to old age, the Government has emphasised on increasing grassroots participation in sports for all ages to ensure that Maldivians, regardless of culture, gender, capability or age have an opportunity to participate in quality sporting activities.

到 2050 年, 预计全球 80%的老年人将生活在发展中国家。2009 年至 2050 年期间,这些国家 的老年人口预计将从 4.81 [...]

亿增至 16 亿(图三),而发达国家的老年人口预计将从 2.62 亿增至 4.06 亿。

Between 2009 and 2050, the older population of those countries is projected [...]

to increase from 481 million to 1.6 billion


(fig. II), while that of developed countries is expected to rise from 262 million to 406 million.

就這個課 題 , 其實可以學 到 老 、 做 到 老 , 是 永 遠 沒 有 完 結 的 。

Sustainable development is a subject which requires "life-long" exploration, and there can be no end to such exploration.

在此情況下,宏正的KVM多電腦切換器及訊號延長器即可解決所有問題,只要將電腦設計程式存放在連接至KVM多電腦切換器的伺服器中,再連接到訊號延長器,之後利用Cat 5線連接到教室中,並進一步搭配使用視訊分配器讓多台螢幕或一台投影機顯示畫面,讓教室中的所有 同 學 都 可 以看到並 聽 到老 師 一 步步指導如何使用該電腦設計程式。

There it can be further combined with a video splitter to support multiple monitors or a projector, allowing an entire classroom to view and listen to audio as the teacher instructs on how to use the program.

香港盲人輔導會就視障長者生活質素 情況,於2008年委託嶺南 大 學 亞 太 老 年 學 研 究 中心進行調查,研究居於社區及院舍的視障長者在生活質素上的差異,以作為本地長者服務發展的參考。

The Hong Kong Society for the Blind commissioned

[...] the Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS) of the Lingnan University to conduct [...] [...]

of life of the visually impaired elderly of Hong Kong between November 2008 and January 2009.

相對於八三年,筆者期望今天的小學 生 ,能 得 到老 師 雙 倍的關注,這是他們的權利。

Comparing to 1983, the author hopes that the

[...] amount of care received by today's primary school students from their [...]

了解與遵守科學活動的 安全規則是瞭解科學與 科 學活 動 特 性的一部分。

Knowing and following safe practices in

[...] science are part of understanding the nature of science and scientific activities.

从 1950 至 2005 年,世界各地的人活 到老年的机会大幅度提高,活到 60 岁的人也可以预期比以前长寿。

Between 1950 and 2005, people’s

[...] chances of surviving to old age improved substantially in all world regions, and those who survive to [...] [...]

to live longer than in years past.

法語全球綜合節目電視網絡TV5 MONDE已超過十年與各國語言機關成為合作夥伴

[...] 如法語國家大學代辦處(蒙特利爾,加拿大),法國視聽媒體語言中心(维希,法國)及比利時魯汶大學(比利時),共同發展和構思各種各樣免費的法語外語學習工具,致力針對全球法 語 學 生 和 老 師 們 的需要。


French-language global television network TV5MONDE has been partnering for over 10 years with various language institutions around the world such as the Francophonie University Agency (based in Montreal, Canada), the CAVILAM (Vichy, France) and the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), to develop and make accessible free-of-charge a


wide variety of tools to learn French as a Foreign

[...] Language, aimed at students and teachers of [...]


政 府如果願意落實這個再培訓計劃,也得認真考慮這兩個重點,使課程做到精簡和優質, 使學員能夠真的學到技能 ,有㆒技旁身。

If the Administration is prepared to carry out this retraining programme, it has to carefully consider these two main points so that the courses are streamlined and refined to enable the trainees to really learn and be proficient in a particular skill.

回到西班 牙以后,首先是在西班牙生物科技中心,而后在西班牙癌症研究中心,比拉斯科博士的科研队伍持续在端粒和端粒酶领域做出重要贡献,包括首次展示了端粒酶的抗 衰 老活 性 , 端粒RNA的发现以及端粒酶活性和端粒的重新延长对核重编程(nuclear reprogramming)的重要性。

Back in Spain, first at the Spanish National Biotechnology Centre and then at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Dr. Blasco’s research

[...] team continued to make key contributions to the telomere and telomerase field, including first demonstration of the ant-aging activity of telomerase, the discovery of telomeric RNA’s and the importance of telomerase activity and telomere rejuvenation during [...]

關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合 理 而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝 術 活 動 方 面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。

Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the

[...] [...] (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the [...]

savings could be re-allocated


to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.

根據上述建議的框架,所有學校基本上均可自行決定採用母語教 授所有學科,並使用不多於總課時( 不包括英文科的課時) 的 25%進行英 語延展教學活動。學校如 符合上文第 7(c)段所載的指導原則,則可採用 母語教授部分學科,並以英語教授若干學習領域/學科,但不得使用多 於總課時( 不包括英文科的課時) 的 25%或在多於兩個非語文科目以英語 授課。

Under the above-mentioned proposed framework, all schools would basically be given discretion to adopt CMI for all content subjects and use not more than 25% of the total lesson time (excluding English language) for ELA, or should they meet the guiding principles in paragraph 7(c) above, adopt CMI for some content subjects and adopt EMI in certain key learning areas/subjects provided that not more than 25% of the total lesson time (excluding English language) or not more than two content subjects will be conducted in English.