Payment 中文

Financial pressures remain to change payments for chronic conditions treated at tertiary and teaching hospitals.

We see that when contributions are higher than pensions, the government is not only rolling over payments, but also issuing new bonds.

An important objective of switching to activity-based payments was to try to shorten waiting lists and improve incentives for facilities to treat more patients.

Another commonly used scheme includes global budgeting, per diem payments, and diagnosis-related group reimbursement (17).

Farm payments remain high because of public perception of the cultural, ecological and economic value of agriculture to the nation.

Non-humancapital payments have their source in the bonds that have financed the resources required by the firms producing the varieties of productive inputs.

She doubts whether payments in kind would have made up the difference.

Earnings from an individual's plot belonged to the young man and were destined for bridewealth payments, but the uncle often managed them.


Farm payments remain high because of public perception of the cultural, ecological and economic value of agriculture to the nation.

Eventually, the plan is to stop payments altogether.

Fee-for-service payments and salary payments represent two ends of a spectrum.

She doubts whether payments in kind would have made up the difference.

However, settlement payments by the record company or publishing company are often in excess of £100,000, while the accountant's fees are measured in tens of thousands.

Costs were obtained from administrative and financial records and were estimated using all charges, allocated costs, and provider payments.

Non-humancapital payments have their source in the bonds that have financed the resources required by the firms producing the varieties of productive inputs.

Additionally, farmers receiving relatively high payments might possibly be able to offer their products at lower prices.



阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




Online payment for courses is supported via WorldPay.


Incorrect payment or settlement errors due to


Digi-Key offers a number of convenient payment methods


Accepting Wixlar Coins as a payment method


VinaHost sends the payment notification via email and supports appropriate period for customers to make payments.

VinaHost 将通过邮箱通知支付并支持适当时间让客户执行支付.

banks, credit card companies, and payment vendors

(a) 银行、信用卡公司和支付供应商;

The payment of interest on contractor claims


Order & payment needs to confirm before 1PM

订单和付款需要在1PM之前确认, 并安排於第二天(星期日及公众假期除外)送貨

For PayPal payment please follow the instructions.


cn officially supported payment via Alipay.


Convenient payment options for payers like you


NayaxVend is a leading technology source for cashless payment and telemetry solutions for Vending Machines.


ZenCash used in multiple ICOs as payment

ZenCash 作为支付手段被用在多种 ICO 中

Wikileaks supporters cause payment processing outages, down Mastercard website

Wikileaks的支持者造成的支付处理中断, 下万事达网站

Surfshark accepts many different payment methods. These include

Surfshark 接受多种不同的付款方式。其中包括:

WooWallet supports multiple free and premium payment extensions

w款电子钱包支持多个 免费和保费付款延期:

Configurable business rules and flexible workflows enable customised payment processes


Visa helps protect cardholders and Merchants with fraud protection and assured payment


AliExpress starts offering EBANX payment solutions for its Brazilian customers.


DMG Extractor's payment & refund policy

什么是DMG Extractor的付款和退款政策?



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