Would you意思


阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




would you mind telling me your schedule


would you mind carrying my luggage upstairs


How would you answer the objection?


but would you mind calling my friend


Sir, which one would you prefer?


So would you call yourself... a faith healer?

所以你自称... 信仰治疗师?

What kind of measure would you say is appropriate?


How else would you remember it?

Why would you become an authorised partner?

well would you mind opening this bag


would you prepare my bill by then


Well what would you call party?

Why would you morally exonerate them?

InfoQ: Which tools would you advise for developing scalable MVPs?


How would you assess US-India partnership?

What further information would you seek?


How would you describe the relationship with SGD Pharma?

您如何描述与SGD Pharma的关系?

would you copy these papers for me


What would you recommend Gleim or FFA if choosing between the 2? I am a having trouble deciding.

你会怎样,如果之间进行选择推荐Gleim或FFA 2? 我决定一有麻烦.

What range would you recommend for these particular settings?




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繼續講這難纏的情態助動詞,有好多喔,這才第三篇,潔西已經寫到第八篇了,不過多半是參考 Longman 的 Grammar Express, Oxford 的 Oxford Practice Grammar 跟 Azar 的 Understanding and Using English Grammar 。希望有講得比較容易懂一點:)

請求允許,主詞是 I 的時候,只能用 May, Could, Can。

May I open the window? Could I open the window?   Can I open the window?

表示請求,主詞是 you 的時候,只能用 Would, Will, Could, Can 。

Would you open the window? Could you open the window? Will/Can you open the window?

Could I borrow some money?   borrow—take borrow 是借入,有拿的意味。

Could you lend me some money?   lend—give lend 是借出,有給的意味。


C Requests 表示請求:Will, Can, Would, Could, Would you mind …?

a 主詞為 you 的請求:Would you …, Will you …, Could you …, Can you …?

Would you 比 Will you 常見,也比要有禮貌。Could you 跟 Would you 同樣有禮貌,但是 Could you   有可能做這件事的意思嗎? Can you, Will you 用在非正式場合,不像 Could you 跟 Would you 那樣有禮。

Would you pass the bread, please?

Will you please open the window?

Could you turn down the music, please?

Can you turn on the TV?

回答是的時候,不能用 can, will, would 或 could 。

回應是允許的話:Yes, I’d be happy to. / Yes, I’d be glad to. / Certainly. 非正式 Sure./Of course.

回應是否定的話會道歉,並且給理由。否定只可以用 I can’t. 不可以用 won’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t。

A: Could you answer the phone for me?

B: Sure. No problem.   Or B: I’m sorry. I can’t. I’m washing dishes.

b 禮貌地請求允許:Would you mind if I + V2 …?

Would you mind if I turned off the TV?

Would you mind if I used your computer?


不介意:No, not at all. / No, of course not. / No, that would be fine.

禮貌地請人做某事可以用: Would you mind + V-ing?

Would you mind waiting for a while?

Would you mind giving me a ride?


不介意:No, I’d be happy to. / Not at all. I’d be glad to. / Sure. / Okay.

練習三 選擇 a 或 b

1 Lorna, would you please drive me to class today? My car won’t start.

a _____ Yes, I would.             b _____ I’d be glad to.

2 Would you mind lending me five dollars? I’m getting paid tomorrow.

a _____ Not at all.               b _____ Yes.

3 Lorna, can you take these books back to the library for me? I’m running late.

a _____ I’m late too. Sorry.     b _____ No, I can’t.

4 Could you lock the door on your way out? My hands are full.

a _____ Yes, I could.             b _____ Sure.

5 Can you turn the radio down? I need to study for my math quiz this morning.

a _____ Certainly.                 b _____ Not at all.

6 Will you pick up some milk on the way home this afternoon?

a _____ No, I won’t.               b _____ Sorry. I’ll be at work until 8:00.


1 你可以遞鹽給我嗎?

2 你可以跟我說銀行在哪裡嗎?

3 你介意我把冷氣關起來嗎?

4 你介意把音樂關小聲點嗎?

5 你可以借我錢嗎?


1 b   2 a   3 a   4 b   5 a   6 b

1 Could you pass the salt?

2 Could you tell me where the bank is?

3 Would you mind if I turned off the air conditioner?

4 Would you mind turning down the music?

5 Could you lend me some money?