百年 好合 停車場

  • Directions 交通資訊

十年長跑  百年好合

After 10 years, we are getting married in centenary! 


故宮晶華  Silks Palace at National Palace Museum


百年 好合 停車場


We will provide free shuttles from Jiantan Metro Station(劍潭捷運站) to Silks Palace at National Palace Museum(故宮晶華) before and after the wedding dinner.

Or if you like to take the following options:

By Metro 搭捷運


Take the MRT Danshui Line to the Shilin Station and take bus R30 (Red 30) to the National Palace Museum. Other routes that will take you to and near the Museum plaza are buses 255, 304, Minibus 18 and Minibus 19.

Take the MRT Wenhu Line to the Dazhi Station and take bus B13 (Brown 13) to the National Palace Museum, alighting before the Front Facade Plaza of the Museum.

搭乘捷運淡水線至士林站下車,轉乘 紅 30 往故宮博物院至故宮正館門口下車。或轉乘公車 255 、 304 、小型公車 18 、小型公車 19  於故宮正面廣場前下車。 

搭乘捷運文湖線至大直站下車,轉乘 棕 13 往故宮博物院至故宮正面廣場前下車。或搭乘捷運文湖線至劍南路站下車,轉乘 棕 20 往故宮博物院至故宮正館門口下車。

百年 好合 停車場

百年 好合 停車場

By Bus 搭公車

Coin: NT$15 (per section)
1. Regular: NT$15 (deducted per section)
2. Student: NT$12 (deducted per section)
3. Discount: NT$8 (deducted per section)

公車票價 : 投幣 每段15元 。持悠遊卡,普通卡每段扣款15元,學生軍警卡每段扣款12元,優待卡每段扣款8元。 

Bus Routes:
1. Red 30 MRT shuttle bus

2. Brown 13 MRT shuttle bus

3. Brown 20 MRT shuttle bus

4. Bus 255

5. Bus 304

6. Minibus 18

7. Minibus 19

公車路線圖 : 


百年 好合 停車場


百年 好合 停車場


百年 好合 停車場


百年 好合 停車場


百年 好合 停車場


百年 好合 停車場


百年 好合 停車場

百年 好合 停車場

By Car 自行開車


By Car:

1. Going north on the Sun Yat-sen Freeway, exit at BinJiang Street in Taipei, take BinJiang Street and turn left onto the DaZhih Bridge.  At the end of the bridge, take BeiAn Road and then go through the ZiQiang Tunnel. Turn right at the intersection of GuGong Road and ZhiShan Road to reach the Museum.
2. Driving south on the Sun Yat-sen Freeway, take the Neihu exit, turn left onto the expressway, and proceed to Section 1 of NeiHu Road. Continue to the traffic circle and proceed as above. (From the elevated portion of the freeway, exit at TiDing Boulevard, turn right at the end of the ramp, proceed to NeiHu Road, and follow as above.)
3. From Taipei's eastern district (Keelung Road), take the JhengCi Bridge to TiDing Boulevard, and continue as above.
4. From Taipei's Nankang district, take HuanDong and TiDing Boulevards, proceeding as above to the ZiQiang Tunnel and then the Museum. 
5. From Taipei's northern districts (Shihlin and Peitou), take Zhongshan Road or WenLin Road to ZhongZheng Road, turn left, and proceed to the intersection of ZhiShan Road, which will take you past GuGong Road and to the Museum as indicated above. 


  1. 高速公路北上路段,由台北濱江交流道下左轉走濱江街,再左轉上大直橋,下大直橋後,右轉走北安路,於自強隧道前左轉進自強隧道直走,於故宮路與至善路口右轉即可抵達。
  2. 高速公路由基隆方向南下,由內湖交流道下,左轉快速道路,至內湖路一段,過自強隧道,於故宮路與至善路口轉即可抵達。
  3. 台北市東區(基隆路),經正氣橋,堤頂大道,過自強隧道即可到達。
  4. 台北市南港,經環東,堤頂大道,過自強隧道即可到達。
  5. 台北市北區(士林、北投等)經中山北路或文林路,至中正路往外雙溪(中影文化城)方向即可抵達。

Parking 停車資訊



百年 好合 停車場


百年 好合 停車場

院區周邊收費停車場分佈圖:公辦民營停車場汽車位66個。收費平日每次50元,假日每小時40元,電話 (02)2587-5755或0916-990957。青青農場汽車位共60個,收費每次100元,電話(02)2841-1996。有誠大樓停車場汽車 位共40個,收費每小時40元,電話(02)8861-5973。至善路沿線路邊停車每次50元,雙溪公園至衛理女中約有180個車位。
